About Us
Started as a project between John Roulac, the founder of Nutiva, co-founder of Great Plains Regeneration and executive producer of Kiss the Ground movie and Hannah Apricot Eckberg, the co-founder of Abundant Earth Foundation. ARC collaborates with well established permaculture and agroforestry practitioners across East Africa and Guatemala to provide extra support and networking to help build on their early success. ARC projects have also received financial support from One Tree Planted.
Our projects focus on ecosystem restoration and economic development while providing nutrient-rich food to communities. These methods skip expensive and harmful fertilizer chemicals, but instead mimic natural systems to create abundance.
Our Theory of Change is based on the concept of training community and village members, particularly women, to then teach others how to grow food and wood resources without the need of chemicals. Philanthropic donations are jumpstarting the programs with the intention that it becomes self-sustaining economically as well as environmentally. We are also receiving funds from tree planting organizations which is helping accelerate and reach thousands of family farmers.
While our initial focus is growing regenerative food forests in Guatemala and East Africa, Agroforestry is growing in popularity around the world. ARC’s strategy is to focus on supporting a few small countries where impact can be very powerful, and show by example the multifaceted benefits of agroforestry that can be replicated in communities and countries anywhere. Regeneration, resilience, climate adaptation, empowerment of women, and indigenous wisdom are at the core of our programs in order to support diverse and thriving communities.
Like the biblical ark, our community-based project builds life-boats of food and shelter, while drawing down carbon and improving water cycles. We do this via support for training and providing trees and planting materials to community members in order to establish their own agroforestry based system of food production. We invite allies, funders, philanthropists, and practitioners to help ARC regenerate our world.
Agroforestry practitioners are welcome to join our public Facebook group.

Abelardo Pop
Contour Lines Technician
Hannah Apricot Eckberg

John Roulac

Luwayo Biswick
Founding Director Permaculture Paradise Institute & Expert on Agroecology, Mchinji, Malawi
Nelson Cuz
Contour Lines Technician, River Sector
Nictê Milhose Dixon

Patrick Paul Kidega

Roland Van Reenen

Sean Dixon-Sullivan

Stella Nyambura Mbau
Through her Postdoctoral research in sustainable development, Stella is studying climate awareness gaps in rural sub-Sahara which are linked to high levels of vulnerability. She’s the founder of LOABOWA where she’s exploring climate resilience in rural sub-Sahara Africa through food-water-energy microgrids. Stella is featured in a book by the award-winning journalist Anne Karpf “How women can save the planet” and in a Sky News Daily podcast series about women inspiring action in the world called "shattering the glass ceiling".

Tommy Leonard
Cofounder of Contour Lines, Thomas is passionate about empowering people to utilize regenerative agriculture and reforestation to create a more sustainable future. For over a decade Thomas has been committed to developing community gardens, farms, and forests. Currently Thomas serves as Farm Operations Manager stewarding 350-acres of medicinal herb production for Gaia Herbs in Brevard, NC, USA.