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Introduction to Permaculture Training Course


This training on permaculture is taking place in Malawi at the Permaculture Paradise Institute (PPI). It is brought to you by PPI which is one of ARC's projects from East Africa. We invite you to learn more and share this event with your network. Please tag ARC and let’s regenerate!   Facilitators: Luwayo Biswick of the Permaculture Paradise Institute (Malawi) ...

Transitioning Guatemalan Communities to Regenerative Farming

Contour Lines Center Livingston

Welcome to the 24th Webinar at the Contour Lines Center. There is a great line-up of speakers covering topics such as value-added processing of products in regenerative systems, technologies for smallholder processing, reducing pest damage among others. It will be held on May the 24th, from 2:00pm to 3:00pm PST. We invite you to learn more and share this event with ...