Malawi – Imagine Afrika

Chimwemwe Limani

Organization Name

Imagine Afrika


Project Update

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Region or area served

Chikwawa and Nsanje

Individual Name

Chimwemwe Limani 

Date Founded

April 2016

Trainers trained in 2021


Trainers trained to date


Formal Training

We were trained by Roland Bunch 2016 - 2020


Agroforestry, Community Organizing, Organic Farming, Soil Conservation

Workshops conducted in 2021


Workshop attendees in 2021


% of men vs. women participate in project


Farms that implemented Agroforestry in 2021


Farms that implemented Agroforestry to date


Trees planted in 2021


Number of trees planted to date


Hectares planted in 2022


Hectares planted to date


Percentage of nitrogen fixing trees vs. percentage of edibles

Nitrogen fixing trees 98%

Location of demonstration site OR CENTRE

Dolo EPA, Kalambo EPA, Miikalango EPA and Makhanga EPA

About organization

Imagine Africa logo
Chimwemwe Limani founded Imagine Afrika (IA) in 2016, IA got its first funding from Roland Bunch in late 2020 to scale up Green Manure Cover Crops technologies in Nsanje, Chikwawa, Nsanje, Blantyre and Balaka districts. Our vision is to end hunger which is fueled by climate change and rising prices of inorganic fertilizer in Southern Malawi by 2040. Our goals: - Plant 200 000 hectares of gliricidia in farms of small holder farmers by 2030 in Southern Malawi. - Plant 20 000 km of acacia galpin fence around farms of small holder farmers by 2030 in Southern Malawi.


Green manure/cover crop (gm/ccs) increases soil fertility, rain water infiltration increases over time to as much as three times its previous level, the soil’s water-holding capacity increases and soil erosion is reduced. Further, gm/ccs have zero transportation costs as far as soil restoration is concerned unlike most other materials used to improve the soil, including synthetic fertilizer, compost and animal manure. Farmers sale surplus harvest from legumes which they grow as green manure cover crops including pigeon peas, lablab and peans. Green Manure Cover Crops drastically increase the number of macro-and microorganisms which help crops grow better, improve or ‘‘buffer’’ the PH of the soil and sequester atmospheric carbon.


Imagine Afrika is reaching out to farmers through Lead farmers in line with the commitment of Ministry of Agriculture. Lead farmers’ fields act like demonstration plots for other farmers where learning takes place. Follower farmers are trained both in class room setting and in the field of lead farmers by Imagine Afrika frontline staff and their government counterparts. We are training poor small hold farmers in Malawi.


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