Projects Selector

Projects Selector

Free Fertilizer – Exploring the Potential and Problems of Human Urine


Welcome to ARC’s enlightening webinar, which took place on August 29th, 2023, where we delve into the incredible potential of human urine as a fertilizer. Our panel of esteemed speakers brings a wealth of knowledge...

Agroforestry Regeneration Communities is Making an Impact


Learn how food forests are helping small farmers achieve better income, food security, and nutrition while improving biodiversity, carbon sequestration and mitigating erratic weather. Agroforestry Regeneration Communities has planted 5K food forests and 1.9M tree...

Webinar 2: Accelerating Smallholder Agroforestry in the Global South


This is the second in a series of 90-minute webinars on Agroforestry, that took place on the 9th of June, 2022. We learn from the following speakers; Dr. Ranil Senanayake (EarthRestoration), Nictê Milhose Dixon (Contour...

Webinar 1: Accelerating Smallholder Agroforestry in the Global South


This is the first in a series of 90-minute webinars on Agroforestry, that took place on the 25th of January, 2022. We learn from the following speakers; Patrick Worms (World Agroforestry Institute), Natalie Topa (UTopa...

Successional Agroforestry Solutions for the Semi-arid Climate of Curacao


In Curacao cleared land will be immediately colonized by thorny Wabi trees (Acacia Tortuosa) trying their utmost to bring in more energy and biomass. Usually, when the wabi trees have accumulated enough energy, they should...

Amazing results after 2 months on Wanjohi’s syntropic agroforestry farm


Syntropic agroforestry is the fine art of mimicking natural forests in our farms. It’s based on how much sunlight a plant needs. Stratification is placing crop with different demands for sunlight, close to each other.

Regreening the city, Dee J Essy’s urban tree nursery in Nairobi


‘Regreening the city’ by Dee J Essy is a project to green the urban jungle of Nairobi, Kenya with syntropic agroforestry farms. She started a low budget nursery to provide trees for future syntropic agroforestry...

Water can be planted; introducing syntropic agroforestry in East Africa


Watch Roland, ARC’s lead teacher, on a journey to spread syntropic agroforestry in East Africa. From Kwale in Kenya where a farm thrives despite arid weather, to Kitgum in Uganda and Morogoro in Tanzania, Roland...

Syntropic Agroforestry farm in Rongo, Kenya 4 months later


In the third week of juli, PDC students of Odienya Permaculture Institute implemented a syntropic agroforestry farm under guidance of Roland van Reenen. 4 months and many harvests later the farm needed some management. Students...

First Urban Syntropic Agroforestry Farm in Nairobi, 7 weeks later


The first urban Syntropic Agroforestry farm of Dee J Essy in Nairobi has changed in a food producing jungle with stratas of food. Cucumbers, kale and beans are getting ready for harvesting. in fact kale...

First Syntropic Agroforestry Farm in Uganda


In september this year (2021) students of the syntropic agroforestry and permaculture course for beginners in Kitgum Uganda established the first syntropic agroforestry farm under guidance of Roland van Reenen. The course was organized by...

Abundant harvests after 2 months on Syntropic agroforestry farm


Two months ago Abundant Earth Foundation sponsored the 7 days Syntropic Agroforestry Course in Rusing Island Kenya. Less than a month later the farm produced a vry high quantity of zucchini and cucmbers while the...

We transformed a dead land into Paradise in 4yrs


This is a chichewa version on how we transformed the land which others thought it was dead and not useful into Paradise within 4 years of implementation

Tommy comes to Livingston


Thomas Leonard, board member and lead advisor of Contour Lines, comes to Livingston, Guatemala… finally… to visit the pilot site and 4 other villages.

Thanks for Sponsoring “Food Forests for Tatin Village”


Second round complete. 900 fruit trees for 9 families, converting 13.5 acres from slash-and-burn corn to regenerative food forests, in the jungles near Livingston Guatemala.


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ARC offers free webinars, hands-on education opportunities, and networking. Please join our growing community by signing up for our newsletter.

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